hey! I’m Shayla.

Certified Infant + Child Sleep Specialist,
Certified Breastfeeding Specialist

There’s this idea that you either have to sleep train, or just wait for your baby’s sleep to improve on it’s own - and I wholeheartedly disagree.

I created A Good Night Co to help parent’s avoid (and get out of) the stressed-and-obsessed sleep spiral that I went through when my son was a baby - because no one deserves to spend their postpartum and early parenthood stressing about sleep.

I help families like you balance the whole family’s need for rest, while respecting the infant-parent attachment relationship, keeping development + unique needs at the front of mind, so everyone gets the rest that they need in a way that’s stress free, feels good to both you and your baby, and aligns with the kind of parent you want to be.

I’m mom to Hayden, partner to Cody, and we live in Yukon, Canada.

When Hayden was born, my world was absolutely rocked. Mix a tough postpartum recovery, unrealistic expectations of how babies actually sleep, feeding challenges, pressure to sleep train, and a baby who had undiscovered health issues, and I was a mess.

I was exhausted and consumed with sleep-anxiety, obbsessed with trying to do everything perfectly in hopes that sleep would get easier, and I was incredibly overwhelmed by all of the conflicting sleep rules + (mis)information.

All of the rules, shoulds, shaming, and comparisons around infant sleep were A LOT to sift through as a brand new exhausted mom. I became obessed with infant sleep for all the wrong reasons, and as he napped on me I spent the whole time Googling (never Google!) things like, “why won’t my baby let me put him down?”, “why will my baby only sleep on me?”, “Is it okay to let my baby sleep on me?”, to be blasted with information on drowsy but awake, bad sleep habits, and the threat of my baby never learning how to sleep if I didn’t sleep train. I paid hundreds of dollars for quote on quote “gentle sleep training” programs, and they were anything but gentle.
My postpartum anxiety skyrocketed, I disconnected from my instincts, and the guilt and stress around his sleep caused me to truly miss out on his first months of life.

I knew there had to be a different way

With a background in Child and Youth Care and Early Childhood Education, I knew enough about infant brain development and attachment to know that sleep training and all the cry it out variations weren’t what was best for our family. I knew there had to be a better way to approach his sleep, and when I found it, not only did it change my motherhood journey, but I decided to pursue it as a career shift so I could help other parents have a more calm and positive experience than I, and too many other parents have with their baby’s sleep.

I now support parents in understanding what biologically normal infant sleep is, and finding stress free, sustainable solutions to their sleep situation that are centered in connection, and respectful to both their baby and their parenting values - all while helping the whole family get more sleep.

Here’s how we can work together

1:1 Sleep Support

If you’re in a tough place with your baby’s sleep, you ‘d like a hand sorting it out, or you just need some reassurance that you’re on the right track, my 1-1 consultations are for you!

Guides +Workshops

Coming soon!

Free Resources

I’m currently building up my free resources! Check in every now and then to see what’s new.

kind words from parents like you

Ready for better sleep?